FOF arraysΒΆ

Group numbers begin at 1. Spherical overdensities associated with a FOF group use the negative of the group number. A particle can only be associated with one spherical overdensity.

The following arrays can be found in the FOF group files:

Group Array Name Description
FOF BH_Mdot Particle mass. Physical m = Mass h to the power of-1 U_M [g] |
FOF BlackHoleMass Particle mass. Physical m = Mass h to the power of-1 U_M [g] |
FOF CentreOfMass Co-moving coordinates. Physical: r = a x = Coordinates h to the power of-1 a U_L [cm] |
FOF GroupLength Number of particles in this group |
FOF GroupLengthType Number of particles in this group of a given type |
FOF GroupMassType Particle mass. Physical m = Mass h to the power of-1 U_M [g] |
FOF GroupOffset Offset of IDs of this group, starts at 0 |
FOF GroupOffsetType Meaning of this variable has not yet been defined. |
FOF Mass Particle mass. Physical m = Mass h to the power of-1 U_M [g] |
FOF NSF/AExpMaximumTemperature Expansion factor a when particle had highest temperature |
FOF NSF/ElementAbundances/Carbon

FOF NSF/ElementAbundances/Helium

FOF NSF/ElementAbundances/Hydrogen

FOF NSF/ElementAbundances/Iron

FOF NSF/ElementAbundances/Magnesium

FOF NSF/ElementAbundances/Neon

FOF NSF/ElementAbundances/Nitrogen

FOF NSF/ElementAbundances/Oxygen

FOF NSF/ElementAbundances/Silicon

FOF NSF/Entropy Meaning of this variable has not yet been defined. |
FOF NSF/Mass Particle mass. Physical m = Mass h to the power of-1 U_M [g] |
FOF NSF/MaximumTemperature Maximum temperature ever reached by a particle [K] |
FOF NSF/Metallicity Mass fraction of elements heavier than Helium |
FOF NSF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Carbon

FOF NSF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Helium

FOF NSF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Hydrogen

FOF NSF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Iron

FOF NSF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Magnesium

FOF NSF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Neon

FOF NSF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Nitrogen

FOF NSF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Oxygen

FOF NSF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Silicon

FOF NSF/SmoothedIronMassFracFromSNIa Smoothed mass from SNIa divided by particle mass. (Initial particle mass for stars) |
FOF NSF/SmoothedMetallicity Smoothed mass fraction of elements heavier than Helium |
FOF NSF/Temperature Meaning of this variable has not yet been defined. |
FOF ParticleIDs Unique particle identifier |
FOF SF/AExpMaximumTemperature Expansion factor a when particle had highest temperature |
FOF SF/ElementAbundaces/Carbon

FOF SF/ElementAbundaces/Helium

FOF SF/ElementAbundaces/Hydrogen

FOF SF/ElementAbundaces/Iron

FOF SF/ElementAbundaces/Magnesium

FOF SF/ElementAbundaces/Neon

FOF SF/ElementAbundaces/Nitrogen

FOF SF/ElementAbundaces/Oxygen

FOF SF/ElementAbundaces/Silicon

FOF SF/Entropy Meaning of this variable has not yet been defined. |
FOF SF/IronMassFracFromSNIa Iron mass from SNIa divided by particle mass. (Initial particle mass for stars) |
FOF SF/Mass Particle mass. Physical m = Mass h to the power of-1 U_M [g] |
FOF SF/MaximumTemperature Maximum temperature ever reached by a particle [K] |
FOF SF/Metallicity Mass fraction of elements heavier than Helium |
FOF SF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Carbon

FOF SF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Helium

FOF SF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Hydrogen

FOF SF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Iron

FOF SF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Magnesium

FOF SF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Neon

FOF SF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Nitrogen

FOF SF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Oxygen

FOF SF/SmoothedElementAbundances/Silicon

FOF SF/SmoothedIronMassFracFromSNIa Smoothed mass from SNIa divided by particle mass. (Initial particle mass for stars) |
FOF SF/SmoothedMetallicity Smoothed mass fraction of elements heavier than Helium |
FOF SF/Temperature Meaning of this variable has not yet been defined. |
FOF StarFormationRate Gas star formation rate in solar masses / yr |
FOF Stars/AExpMaximumTemperature Expansion factor a when particle had highest temperature |
FOF Stars/ElementAbundances/Carbon

FOF Stars/ElementAbundances/Helium

FOF Stars/ElementAbundances/Hydrogen

FOF Stars/ElementAbundances/Iron

FOF Stars/ElementAbundances/Magnesium

FOF Stars/ElementAbundances/Neon

FOF Stars/ElementAbundances/Nitrogen

FOF Stars/ElementAbundances/Oxygen

FOF Stars/ElementAbundances/Silicon

FOF Stars/InitialMass Star particle mass at formation time. Physical m = InitialMass h to the power of-1 U_M [g] |
FOF Stars/InitialMassWeightedStellarAge Expansion factor a when star particle was born |
FOF Stars/IronMassFracFromSNIa Iron mass from SNIa divided by particle mass. (Initial particle mass for stars) |
FOF Stars/Mass Particle mass. Physical m = Mass h to the power of-1 U_M [g] |
FOF Stars/MaximumTemperature Maximum temperature ever reached by a particle [K] |
FOF Stars/Metallicity Mass fraction of elements heavier than Helium |
FOF Stars/SmootheElementAbundances/Carbon

FOF Stars/SmootheElementAbundances/Helium

FOF Stars/SmootheElementAbundances/Hydrogen

FOF Stars/SmootheElementAbundances/Iron

FOF Stars/SmootheElementAbundances/Magnesium

FOF Stars/SmootheElementAbundances/Neon

FOF Stars/SmootheElementAbundances/Nitrogen

FOF Stars/SmootheElementAbundances/Oxygen

FOF Stars/SmootheElementAbundances/Silicon

FOF Stars/SmoothedIronMassFracFromSNIa Smoothed mass from SNIa divided by particle mass. (Initial particle mass for stars) |
FOF Stars/SmoothedMetallicity Smoothed mass fraction of elements heavier than Helium |
FOF Velocity Co-moving velocities. Physical v_p = a dx/dt = Velocities a to the power of1/2 U_V [cm/s]((A bug affects this quantity. The correct factor is a^-1 and not a^0.5)) |