Reading data

The module offers one main function, read_array:

import eagle_IO.eagle_IO as E

M_200 = E.read_array(fileType,  directory,  tag,   array)

read_array accepts 4 arguments; the first is a string describing the type of file and data read. The allowed values are:

Value Description Example of data that can be read
FOF FoF group informations Group centre of mass, group length, group star formation rate
FOF_PARTICLES IDs of the particles in a FOF group Particle IDs
SNIP_FOF FoF group informations (snipshot) Group centre of mass, group length, group star formation rate
SNIP_FOF_PARTICLES IDs of the particles in a FOF group (snipshot) Particle IDs
PARTDATA Particles that are in a FOF group Particle Mass, velocity, entropy, stellar age
SNIP_PARTDATA Particles that are in a FOF group (snipshot) Particle Mass, velocity, entropy, stellar age
SNAP Full information about all particles Particle Mass, velocity, entropy, stellar age
SNIP Reduced information about all particles Mass, velocity
SUBFIND Subhalo information Subhalo mass, subhalo centre of potential
SUBFIND_GROUP Subfind halo information Group centre of potential, M_200, R_500
SUBFIND_PARTICLES IDs of the particles in a subhalo Particle IDs
SNIP_SUBFIND Subhalo information (snipshot) Subhalo mass, subhalo centre of potential
SNIP_SUBFIND_GROUP Subfind halo information (snipshot) Group centre of potential, M_200, R_500
SNIP_SUBFIND_PARTICLES IDs of the particles in a subhalo (snipshot) Particle IDs

The second argument is the location of the directory containing the data. For instance:


The third argument is the “tag” of the output. This is the part of the filename that contains the snapshot number and the redshift. For the 29 main output times in the fiducial periodic volumes, the values are:

“000_z020p000” “001_z015p132” “002_z009p993” “003_z008p988” “004_z008p075” “005_z007p050” “006_z005p971” “007_z005p487” “008_z005p037” “009_z004p485” “010_z003p984” “011_z003p528” “012_z003p017” “013_z002p478” “014_z002p237” “015_z002p012” “017_z001p487” “018_z001p259” “019_z001p004” “020_z000p865” “021_z000p736” “022_z000p615” “023_z000p503” “024_z000p366” “025_z000p271” “026_z000p183” “027_z000p101” “028_z000p000”

The last argument is the name of the array or attribute to be read. For instance:




The routine returns a numpy array containing the values extracted from the files. The order of the elements is preserved and the type of the values is the same as that stored in the HDF5 files.

To read the value of \(M_200\) for all halos at \(z=1.5\) in the reference volume, one would use:
import eagle_IO.eagle_IO as E

sim = "/cosma5/data/Eagle/ScienceRuns/Planck1/L0100N1504/PE/EagleReference/data/"
tag = "017_z001p487"

M_200 = E.read_array("SUBFIND_GROUP", sim, tag, "FOF/Group_M_Crit200")